TRICARE News and Information |
ISOS Demonstration Teleconference 25 April 2013 TRICARE Philippine Demonstration Update: Cost Shares and Deductibles April 23, 2013 International SOS Assistance, Inc., the TRICARE Overseas Program Contractor, and its subcontractor Global 24 Network Services, have posted an updated communication burst regarding TRICARE Standard Overseas Cost Shares and Deductibles, which apply when receiving care under the TRICARE Philippine Demonstration. To view the communication burst and learn more about how/where to access information on TRICARE cost shares and deductibles, visit; For the latest information about the TRICARE Philippines Demonstration, visit: or Philippines Demonstration Project Update - Addresses for Specialty Waiver Requests & Waiver Appeal Forms December 11, 2012 International SOS has established physical mailing addresses for beneficiaries to submit Specialty Waiver Requests & Waiver Appeal Forms. Beneficiaries who wish to continue seeing a non-approved provider once the Philippine Demonstration begins must submit a waiver to International SOS. For more information, visit: Tricare Alert (Mercury Drug) Update 1 Changes to TRICARE Philippines Demonstration November 19, 2012 TRICARE announced two changes to the TRICARE Philippines Demonstration: Approved Demonstration providers may now collect cost shares and deductibles up-front. Originally, beneficiaries were not to make up-front payments, but pay cost shares and deductibles upon receipt of an explanation of benefits. Allowing providers to collect payments upfront will enhance provider participation and satisfaction. It will also eliminate the need for beneficiaries to make a second trip to their provider to pay any remaining portion of their bill. Orion, Bataan has been removed from the Philippine Demonstration, effective November 13, 2012. This decision was made due to insufficient providers in the area. For the latest information about the TRICARE Philippines Demonstration, visit: TRICARE Launches Philippine Demonstration in 2013 October 9, 2012 Starting Jan. 1, 2013 TRICARE is launching a demonstration project in designated areas of the Philippines to provide beneficiaries access to high-quality health care from approved demonstration providers. Read more at: TRICARE Requires Proof of Payment for Overseas Claims Aug. 31, 2012 How to File a Claim for the Inpatient Professional Fee Portion of a Hospitalization Part 1 Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12012 How to File a Claim for the Hospital Portion of a Hospitalization Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12011 Philippine Tricare Immunization Claims The Double Proof of Payment Issue Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12010 Request for Information on TRICARE Claims Denied Due to Non- Certification of the Provider Using the Certified Provider List Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12009 Current Understanding of the Provider Certification Process Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12008 Pharmacy, Pathology and Radiology Claim Filing Considerations Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12007 Outpatient Claim Filing Considerations Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12006 Basic Claim Filing Rules for the Philippines Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12005 Update on the New TRICARE Proposed Closed Network Tricare Philippines Newsletter 12004 Plan to fix military retiree health care in Philippines delayed (Stars and Stripes) TRICARE Meeting After Action Report Mar. 21, 2012 TRICARE Meeting After Action Report Mar. 08, 2012 TRICARE Claims Briefing Retirees have TRICARE Flexibility Overseas Feb. 22, 2012 Overseas-based uniformed service retirees enjoy much more flexibility in choosing providers than TRICARE Overseas Program Prime enrollees. That's the advantage to using TRICARE Overseas Program Standard. Read more at: Tricare scrapping troubled system in Philippines to address fraud, military retiree care (Stars and Stripes) TRICARE For Life Handbook October 2011 This product is now available for download at: DOD Office of the Secretary TRICARE Demonstration Project for the Philippines TRICARE Overseas Program Passport July 14, 2011 TRICARE Overseas Program Passport is now available for download at: TRICARE Overseas Program Handbook July 14, 2011 TRICARE Overseas Program Handbook is now available for download at: TRICARE Eligibility Requires DEERS Enrollment for Newborns June 13, 2011 TRICARE offers a variety of health plans that seek to provide the best quality of care for parents and their babies. However, if children are not properly registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), they risk losing their TRICARE benefits. Read more at TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Standard Health Matters Newsletter 2011 May 4, 2011 TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Standard Health Matters Newsletter 2011 is now available for download at: Restore Promised Medical Benefits to Veterans (Military Retirees) Living in The Philippines I hope you will support our efforts. If you care to read more about the issues we face go to the discussion and notes sections at: Thank you for your help. Complaint? – Sorry, Next Window Article from Living in the Philippines Eye Glasses for Retirees All retirees, even TRICARE for Life recipients, may receive one pair of standard issue glasses each year from the Naval Ophthalmic Support and Training Activity. Visit the NOSTRA website and select the "How to Order: Retirees" link for more information. Family members and surviving spouses are not entitled to NOSTRA support. Learn more about TRICARE vision benefits at the TRICARE beneficiary portal. |